Stoop Juice menu with price

item price description
J1 All Greens Juice kale, spinach, parsley, celery and cucumber.
J2 Antioxidants Juice beet, lemon, cucumber and apple.
J3 Beta Blast Juice carrot, beets and cucumber.
J4 The Cleanser Juice cucumber, celery, parsley and apple.
J5 Sweet Greens Juice cucumber, celery, chard, kale, spinach and pear.
J6 King Kale Juice kale, cucumber, parsleyand apple.
J7 The Defender Juice seasonal greens, appleand wheatgrass.
J8 Orange Juice fresh squeezed orange juice.
S1 Acai Street $7.50 acai berries, straberries and granola.
S2 Blueberry Fields $6.00 - $7.50 blueberries and bananas.
S3 Mas Mango $6.00 - $8.00 mangos and coconut milk ice cream.
S4 Chocolate Dreams $6.00 - $7.50 raw cacao, bananas and 12-17 grams chocolate raw protein.
S5 Peachy Keane $6.00 - $8.00 peaches and bananas.
S6 Peanut Butter Party $6.00 - $7.50 bananas, organic peanut butter and 12 - 17 grams raw protein.
S7 Power Protein $8.00 35 grams of raw chocolate protein and bananas.
S8 Fruity Protein $7.50 - $6.00 12 - 17 grams protein, blueberries, strawberries and banana.
S9 Prospect Pk Pomegranate $7.50 - $6.00 pomegranate, blueberries and agave.
S10 Banana Split $7.50 - $6.00 raw vanilla protein and bananas.
S11 Berillicious Mix $7.50 - $6.00 assorted berries.
S12 South Slope $7.50 - $6.00 raw chocolate, ginger and coconut ice cream.
S13 Double Coconut $6.00 - $7.50 coconut milk ice cream and coconut milk.
S14 Coconut Paradise $7.50 - $6.00 coconut milk ice cream, pineapple.
S15 Raw Land $8.00 raw almond butter, dates, coconut milk ice cream and bananas. recommended with almond milk.
S16 Smoothie Bar $7.50 peanut butter, 17 grams chocolate raw protein, organic granola, bananas.
Create Your Own Milk Based Smoothie $7.00 - $9.00 make your own smoothie with an almond milk, soy milk, or coconut milk base. add up to 4 fruits.
Create Your Own Fruit Based Smoothie $12.00 - $10.00 make your own smoothie with an orange juice, raw coconut water base, or fruit base. add up to 4 fruits.
Create Your Own cyo smoothie fruit selection: mango, peach, raspberry, blueberry, banana, strawberry, pineapple.
Sunwarrior Protein $50.00 chocolate or vanilla.

Stoop Juice relate restaurants