Saveurs 209 menu with price

item price description
Housemade charcuterie plate Foie gras terrine, pork rillettes and chicken liver mousse with truffle
Pan seared scallops, ratatouille and chorizo
Grand Marnier Crepe soufflee
Pairing will be available.
We will be open from 6pm to 9:30pm! We hope to see you there! Saveurs209 team!
Salade d'asperges vertes $13.00 parmesan, noix du Brésil et oeuf parfait Jumbo green asparagus, parmesan cheese, Brazil nut and oeuf "parfait. Pair it with a glass of Chinon Les Chanteaux $14
Foie gras poêlé $22.00 purée de pois chiche, datte, raisin et sauce ras el anout Pan seared Foie gras, garbanzo puree, dates, grapes and ras el anout sauce. Pair it with a glass of Sauternes Alexander Vineyards 2011 $16
Gaspacho vert* $13.00 toast de pain au curcuma, oeuf mimosa et radis Green gazpacho, toasted turmeric bread, mimosa egg and red radish. Pair it with a glass of Bordeaux Blancs Fleurs des Graves $11
Crumble aux tomates et au romarin $12.00 salade de tomates anciennnes Tomato crumble with rosemary, heirloom tomato salad. Pair it with a glass of Rosé Goudichaud $8
Plateau de fromages* $15.00 Cheese board
Filet de lotte glacée au jus de carotte $28.00 petit pois à la française, tagliatelle de carotte fane Carrot coated monkfish, French style green peas, shaved new carrots. Pair it with a Glass of Chablis $15
Filet de cabillaud rôti* $29.00 asperges vertes, gremolata de câpres et crevettes, émulsion de crustacés et Kari-gosse Roasted cod, green asparagus, capers and shrimp gremolata, shelfish and Kari-gosse emulsion. Pair it with a Glas
Omble chevalier rôti* $31.00 purée de brocoli, fraicheur de concombre et mousse de lait au laurie Pan seared artic char, broccoli puree, fresh cucumber and bay leaf milk mousse. Pair it with a glass of Cote du Rhone Blanc "Haut
Filet de boeuf Black Angus* $41.00 betteraves, tomatillos, kumquat confit et jus de boeuf tomaté Black Angus beef tenderloin, beets, tomatillos, candied kumquat and beef jus with tomato. Pair it with a glass of Chateau La Tour de By -
Magret de canard aux noix de cajou $39.00 pommes grenailles rôties, oignons grelots glacés et kale braisée Moulard duck breast with cashew nuts, fingerling potatoes, pearl onions and braised kale. Pair it with a glass of Crozes Hermitage $13
Biscuit Lintzer* $13.00 génoise à la noix de coco, abricot frais et glace à la noix de coco, coulis d'abricot Lintzer Biscuit, coconut sponge cake, fresh apricot, coconut ice-cream and apricot coulis
Soufflé à la framboise $13.00 sorbet framboise Raspberry souffle, raspberry sorbet (please allow 15 mn)
Biscuit chocolat* $14.00 mousse chocolat au lait, crème pralinée et glace chocolat noir Chocolate biscuit, milk chocolate mousse, praline whipped cream and dark chocolate ice cream. Pair it with a glass of port 10 year old $
Soupe de fraises au balsamique* $12.00 meringue croustillante, palmier et glace yaourt miel Fresh and roasted strawberries, crispy meringue, palmier cookie, yogurt and honey ice-cream
Assiette de glace et sorbet $10.00 Homemade ice-cream* or sorbet
Plateau de fromages* $15.00 Cheese board

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