El Baron De Centro America Pupuseria menu with price

item price description
Huevos Con Jamon, Crema Y Frijoles $7.95 ham and eggs, beans & sour cream
Huevos Con Tocino, Crema Y Frijoles $7.95 bacon and eggs, beans & sour cream
Huevos Con Salchicha, Crema Y Frijoles $7.95 sausage and eggs, beans & sour cream
Huevos Con Chorizo, Crema Y Frijoles $7.95 salvadorean sausage and eggs, beans & sour cream
Huevos, Arroz, Crema Y Frijoles $7.95 eggs,rice, beans & sour cream
Platanos Fritos, Crema Y Frijoles. $7.95 fried plantain, beans & sour cream
Casamiento, Huevo Y Crema $7.95 mixed beans with rice, eggs & sour cream
Frijoles, Crema Y Arroz $6.95 beans, sour cream & rice
Huevos Con Ejote O Lorocos $7.95
Incluye Frijoles, Queso, Crema Y Tortilla eggs with green beans or lorco flower include, beans, cheese, sour cream & tortillas
Huevos Rancheros, Arroz Y Frijoles $8.95 ranch style eggs, rice & beans
Carne, Camarones Y Pollo $21.95 steak, shrimps and chicken
Plato De Camarones Fritos $21.95 shrimps
Plato De Carne Asada $14.25 grilled beef
Plato De Pollo $12.95 chicken
Queso Frito Y Longaniza $8.00 salvadoran sausage and cheese
12 Alitas De Pollo $8.00 buffalo wins
Pupusas De Chicharron, O Revueltas $2.00 pork or mixed pupusas
Pupusas De Loroco O Queso $2.00 loroco flower or cheese pupusas
Pupusas De Harina De Arroz $2.25 rice dough pupusa
Pupusas De Queso Y Frijoles $2.00 cheese & beans pupusas
Pupusas De Queso Y Pollo $3.00 cheese and chicken pupusas
Pupusas De Ayote Y Queso $2.50 mexican squash and cheese pupusa
Pupusas De Chilipin $2.50 veggi pupusa
Pupusas De Camaron $3.00 shrimp pupusa
3 Empanadas De Platano ( Frijol De Poleada) $5.50 plantain pie (stuffed with beans or milk custard)
Pan Con Gallina $6.95 hen salvadoran sandwich
3 Pastelitos De Carne $5.50 salted stuffed corn pie
Chilate Con Nuegados Y Platano $9.95 yucca patty and plantain candy with corn atole
Yuca Frita Con Chicharrones $7.75 fried yucca root and fried pork
Yuca Con Fritada $9.95 yucca root and stew pork
Yuca Salcochada Con Chicharrones $7.75 steam yucca root with fried pork
Platanos Fritos Con Crema Y Frijoles fried plantain, sour cream and beans
Tamales De Gallina (Hen Tamale) $2.00
Tamales De Elote Con Crema $7.75 baby corn tamale with sour cream
Atol De Elote $3.50 baby corn atole
Atol Chuco $3.50 corn atole
Bistec Encebollado $12.50 steak with onions
Bistec Picado $12.50 chopped steak
Carne Asada $14.50 grilled steak
Carne Asada Con Camarones $16.95 grilled steak with shrimps
Carne Desilachada Con Huevo $12.50 shredded beef with eggs
Carne Guisada De Res $12.50 stew beef
Salpicon $12.50 minced beef
Higado Encebollado $12.50 liver with onions
Lengua En Salsa $12.50 beef tongue with tomato sauce
Costilla De Puerco Entomatada $11.95 pork ribs in tomato sauce
Milanesa $12.95 breaded beef
Fritada $12.50 pork stew
Bistec De Pollo Asado $12.50 grilled chicken steak
Pollo En Crema $12.50 chicken with sour cream
Pollo Encebollado $12.50 chicken with onions
Plato Hula Hula Con Huevo Duro O Queso $11.95 hula hula plate with hard boiled egg or cheese
Milanesa De Pollo $12.95 breaded chicken
2 Chiles Rellenos De Queso $9.95 cheese stuffed green pepper
Chile Relleno De Crane De Puerco $12.95 stew pork stuffed green pepper
Rellenos De Ejote $9.50 stuffed green beans
Rellenos De Guisquil $9.95 stuffed squash
Rellenos De Pacaya $11.50 palm flower stuffed
Rellenos De Lengua $11.95 stuffed beef tongue
Sopa De Gallina India Con Gallina Asada $9.95 ranch hen soup & grilled hen
Sopa De Pata $8.95 beef feet soup
Sopa De Camarones $12.95 shrimp soup
Sopa De Res $9.95 beef soup
Sopa De Chipilin Con Carne De Puerco $9.95
Sopa De Cangrejo Y Camarones $25.95 crab and shrimps soup
Sopa De Pescado $11.95 fish soup
Sopa De Pescado Y Camarones $14.75 fish & shrimp soup, sin pelar
Sopa De Camaron Pelado $14.95 fish & peal shrimp soup
Sopa 7 Mares $21.95 - $15.95 7 seafood soup. camarones sin pelar
7 Mares Con Camaron Pelado $16.25 - $22.25
Arroz, Frijoles O Crema $1.25 rice, beans or sour cream
Queso Fresco $2.00 fresh cheese
Ensalada Verde $6.25 green salad
Ensalada De Pollo $7.95 chicken salad
Tortillas Hechas A Mano $0.50 hand made tortillas
Pan Frances $0.50 french bread
Casamiento $2.95 mixed beans and rice
Platanos Solos $3.95 fried plantain only
Nuegados Solos $4.95 only yucca root candy
Chicharrones $5.50 fried pork
Chips Con Salsa $3.95 chips with sauce
Chips Con Guacamole, Frijoles Y Queso $7.95
Chips Solos $3.50 plain
Fajita De Pollo Y Res $16.95 beef & chicken fajitas
Fajita De Camarones $15.95 shrimp fajita
Fajita De Pollo, Camarones Y Carne $17.95 chicken, shrimps & beef fajita
De Carne Asada $5.50 grilled beef burrito
De Pollo $4.95 chicken burrito
Burrito Banado $6.95 special sauce served burrito
Burrito Vegetariano $4.95 vegetarian burrito. frijoles, arroz, lechuga, tomate, cebolla, cilantro, aguacate
3 Taquitos Dorados De Pollo Con Guacamole $7.25 lechuga, tomate queso y crema or 3 chicken taquitos with tomato, cheese and sour cream
Tacos De Pescado $2.50 fish tacos
Quesadillas De Queso $6.50 cheese quesadilla
Quesadillas De Asada O Pollo $7.50 beef or chicken quesadilla
Sopes De Asada O Pollo $2.95 beef or chicken sopes
Combination Taco taco combo. 2 tacos de res o pollo, arroz y frijoles
Enchilada De Pollo $10.50 chicken enchilada
Enchilada De Queso $8.25 cheese enchiladas
Ceviche De Pescado $3.95 row fish
Jaiva $3.95 crab
Mixta $6.95 mixed
Camarones Rancheros $13.95 ranch style shrimps
Camarones Completos A La Plancha $13.95 whole grilled shrimps
Camarones Al Mojo De Ajo $13.95 garlic shrimps
Camarones Empanizados $13.95 breaded shrimps
Brochetas De Camaron $13.95 shrimp kabob
Brochetas De Pollo Y Carne $13.95 chicken and beef kabob
Brochetas De Camarones Y Pollo $14.95 chicken and shrimps kbob
Brochetas De Pollo Carne Y Camarones $15.95 chicken, beef and chicken kabob
Mojarra Frita $13.95 fried fish
Filete De Pescado Empanizado $12.95 breaded fried fish
Filete De Pescado A La Plancha $13.95 grilled fish fillet
Filete De Pescado Al Vapor $13.95 steamed fillet or fish
Camarones Ahogodas $12.50 hot shrimps
Ostiones Docena $13.95 one docen oyster
1/2 Doc. De Ostones $7.25 1/2 docen of oysters
Coctel De Camarones $9.50 shrimps cocktail
Campechana $11.00 mixed cocktail
Kola Champagne $3.00 salvadoran soda
Coca-Cola $2.00 7up, sprite, diet coke can
Soda De Botella $3.00 fanta, orange crush y coke
Jugo De Naranja orange juice
Jugo De Zanahoria carrot juice
Horchata rice drink
Arrayan O Chan guava or chia
Enslada fresh fruit drink
Tamarindo tamarind
Cebada tropical drinks
Jamaica tropical drink
Pina pineapple
Maranon salvadoran grape
Chan salvadoran chia
Guanaba O Maracuya
Leche Fria cold milk
Te Frio cold tea
Cafe $1.75 coffe
Chocolate $3.25
Te $2.50 tea
Leche Caliente $2.75 hot milk

El Baron De Centro America Pupuseria relate restaurants