Casa menu with price

item price description
1. Salgadinhos Sortidos $9.95 Little pastries: one chicken, one shrimp and one cheese.
2. Cestinha de Pao de Queyo $8.95 Little basket of farm cheese bread.
3. Carpaccio com Palmito, Agriao, Parmesao e Alcaparras $14.95 Beef carpaccio with heart of palms, watercress, Parmesan cheese and capers.
4. Salada Completa $8.95 Sliced heart of palms, watercress, mesclun green and cherry tomatoes.
5. Frango a Passarinho $10.95 Tiny organic chicken cuts on its bones with garlic and fresh parsley.
6. Porcao de Pasteizinhos $9.95 Brazilian street market fried empanandas: one beef, one heart of palm and one cheese.
7. Mandioca Frita com Queijo $9.95 Yucca sticks with Parmesan cheese.
8. Camarao ao Alho e Oleo $13.95 Shrimp sauteed with garlic and extra virgin olive oil.
9. Cuscuz Paulista $12.95 Sao Paulo's shrimp cake with corn flour, heart of palms, green olives and tomatoes.
10. Linguica Calabreza com Cebola $10.95 Brazilian pork sausage with sauteed onions.
Caldinho de Feijao com ou sem Cachaca Shot of spicy bean soup with little cubes of bacon.
Canjinha de Galinha $7.95 Chicken and rice soup with string beans, carrots and leeks.
Caldo Verde com ou sem Linguica Potato and collard greens soup.
11. Strogonoff de Alcatra $24.95 Little strips of beef, fresh cream, mushrooms, tomatoes and match stick potatoes.
12. Frango com Quiabo $23.95 Organic chicken sauteed with garlic, onions, tomatoes, okra and fresh herbs.
13. Picanha com Arroz de Brocoli $24.95 Brazilian prime cut steak served with broccoli rice, farofa and country vinaigrette sauce.
14. File Mignon de Morais $34.95 Filet mignon, fresh watercress, white rice and fried yucca sticks.
15. Bife Acebolado $24.95 Thin pan fried steak with onions served with white rice, beans, farofa, country vinaigrette sauce and fries.
16. Bisteca com Couve e Farofa de Banana $24.95 Lean pork chop with banana farofa, sauteed collard greens, white rice and beans.
17. File de Peixe com Banana Frita e Abobrinha Refogada $23.95 Pan fried filet of fish served with rice, beans, fried bananas and sauteed zucchini.
18. Moqueca de Frutos do Mar com Purao de Peixe ou Farofa de Dende $25.95 Squid, shrimp and fish with coconut milk, cilanto, tomatoes and dende palm oil served with fish and yucca flour puree.
19. Bobo de Camarao $24.95 Yucca puree with coconut milk, tomatoes and onions served with whole shrimp and white rice.
20. Xinxim de Galinha $25.95 Bahia's organic chicken and shrimp stew with tomatoes, cilantro and onions served with white rice.
21. Feijoada $26.95 Brazilian national dish, black bean stew with prime meats served with white rice, fresh oranges, collard greens, farofa and vinaigrette sauce.
22. Camarao na Moranga $26.95 Kabocha pumpkin carved and served with its puree with shrimp, Brazilian catupiry, chayote and white rice.
23. Prato Vegetariano $22.95 Vegetarian plate: rice, beans, fried banana and choice of two vegetables: collard greens, zucchini, okra, chayote, fried yucca stick or fries.
Banana Frita $3.50 Fried banana.
Batata Frita $5.95 Fries.
Arroz Branco $4.00 White rice.
Arroz de Brocoli $5.00 Broccoli rice.
Feijao $4.50 Beans.
Abobrinha Refogada $6.95 Sauteed zucchini.
Couve $7.95 Sauteed collard greens.
Farofa $4.95 Toasted yucca flour with bacon.
Farofa de Banana $4.50 Toasted yucca flour with banana.
Chuchu $6.95 Sauteed chayote.
Quiabo $6.95 Sauteed okra.
Mandioca Frita $6.95 Fried yucca sticks.

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