El Paisano Pizzeria & Mexican Restaurant menu with price

item price description
Huevos Rancheros $4.50 (huevos estrellados en salsa, tomato, arroz y frijoles ranchers eggs fried in sauce over rice and beans)
Huevos a Mexicana $4.50 (huevos, jitomate, cebolla, jalapeno, arroz frijoles) Mexican eggs (eggs, jitomate, onion, green jalapeno, rice and beans)
Huevos Con Chorizo $4.50 (huevos, chorizo, arroz y frijoles) eggs with sausage (eggs, sausage, rice and beans)
Huevos Con Jamon $4.50 (arroz frijoles) eggs with ham (rice and beans)
Huevos a Salsa Roja O Verde $4.50 (huevos, salsa, arroz y frijoles) eggs red or green sauce (eggs, sauce, rice and beans)
Chilaquiles De Bistec O Pollo $7.50 con huevos estrellados beef or chicken chilaquiles with scrambled eggs
Chilaquiles Regulares S.R.O.V. $6.50
Plain $9.00 - $1.75
Pepperoni $11.00 - $2.25
Hongos $11.00 - $2.25 (mushrooms)
Ranchera $13.75 - $2.50 (carne molida, chorizo y jalapeno) rancher (ground beef, sausage and jalapeno)
Mexicana $13.75 - $2.50 (tinga y jalapeno) Mexican style
Vegetariana $13.75 - $2.50 (hongos, pimientos, broccoli, y cebolla) vegetarian (mushrooms, peppers, broccoli and onions)
Especial Paisano $13.75 - $2.50 (nopales, cebolla y jalapeno) special paisano (cautus, onions, and jalapeno)
Hawiana $15.00 - $2.50 (hongos, jamon y pina) hawaiian (mushroom, ham and pineapple)
De Pollo Chicken $2.00
Bistec- Steak $2.00
Camarones - Shrimps $2.75
Plain - Chicken $1.75
Pollo - Chicken $3.00
Bistec - Steak $3.00
De Carnitas - Pork $2.00
De Lengua - Tongue $2.50
De Bistec - Steak $2.00
De Pollo - Chicken $2.00
De Carne Enchilada $2.00 spicy pork
De Cecina- Dried Beef $2.00
De Chorizo - Sausage $2.00
De Tinga- Pollo Y Arroz $2.00
Bistec O Pollo, Rajas, Cebolla, Queso Y Aguacate $2.50
Tacos Arabes $3.00
Tostadas De Bistec O Pollo $2.25 toast of beef or chicken
Flautas De Bistec O Pollo $7.50 flute of chicken or beef steak
Tacos Dorados Bistec O Pollo $8.50
Res $8.50
Pancita $8.50
Pozole $8.50
Camaron $9.50 shrimp
Mariscos $10.50 seafood
Coctel De Camarones $9.50 shrimp cocktail
Steak $5.50 (pimiento, cebolla y queso mozzarella) steak (pepper, onion and mozzarella cheese)
Chicken Parmesan $5.00 (pechuga empanizada, salsa de tomate y queso mozarella) breaded breast (with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese)
Veal Parmesan $5.00 (veal empanizado, salsa de tomate y queso mozarellabreaded veal (with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese)
Chicken Cutlets $5.00 (lechuga, tomate y mayonesa) lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise
Veal Cutlets $5.00 (lechuga, tomate y mayonesa lettuce, tomato and mayonnaise
Fritas $8.00 (fried)
Salsa Roja $8.00 (red sauce)
Salsa Verde $8.00 (green Sauce)
Pollo $2.25 (chicken)
Bistec $2.25 (beef steak)
Plain $1.75
Lechuga y Aguacate $2.75
Bistec a La Parrilla $9.50 (grilled beef steak
Parrillada $12.50 (grilled, pollo, bistec, camaron)
Chuletas Ala Parrilla $9.50 (grilled pork chop)
Pechugas Ala Parrilla $9.50 (grilled breast)
Fritas $7.50 (fried)
Empanizadas $8.50 (breaded)
A La Mexicana $8.50 (Mexican)
Salsa Roja $8.50 (red sauce)
Salsa Verde $8.50 (green sauce)
Encebollado $8.50 (con arroz y frijoles) steak (with onion, rice and beans)
A La Mexicana $8.50 (cebolla, jalapeno, jitomate, arroz y frijoles) Mexican (onion, jalapeno, jitomate, rice and beans)
Ranchero $8.50 (cebolla, jilomate, huevo estrellado, arroz y frijoles) rancher (onion, jitomate, fried eggs, rice and beans)
Salsa Roja $8.50 (arroz y frijoles) red sauce (rice and beans)
Salsa Verde $8.50 (arroz y frijoles) green sauce (rice and beans)
Mole Poblano $9.50
Mojarra Frita $11.50
Adobo Rojo y Verde $8.50 (red and green dressing)
Adobo Rojo y Verde Con Nopales O Verdolaga $9.50
Chiles Rellenos $9.50 (stuffed Chiles)
De Pollo - Chicken $9.50
De Bistec - Steak $9.50
De Camarones - Shrimps $10.00
Mixto - Mixed $11.00
Enchiladas De Pollo Bistek $8.50 (en sa/sa roja o verde)
Enchiladas De Mole $9.50 (chili of mole)
Chicken a La Parmesan $8.50 (pechuga empanizada, mozzarella y salsa de tomate) breaded breast with mozzarella and tomate sauce
Veal a La Parmesan $9.00 (veal empanizada, mozzarella y salsa de tomate) breaded veal (with mozzarella and tomato sauce)
Camarones a La Parmesan $10.00 (camarones empanizados, mozarella y saisa de tomate) shrimps breaded (with mozzarella and tomato sauce)
Chicken a La francesa $8.50 (huevo, limon, mantequilla y vino Blanco) French chicken (eggs, lemon, butter and white wine)
Veal a La Francesa $8.50 (huevo, limon, mantequilla y vino Blanco) French veal (egg, lemon, butter and white wine)
Camarones a La Francesa $10.00 (huevo, limon, mantequilla y vino Blanco) French shrimps (egg, lemon, butter and white wine)
Camarones Empanizados $9.50 (con arroz y frijoles) breaded shrimps (with rice and beans)
Camarones enchilados $10.00 (pimienio, cebolla y salsa roja) shrimps with chili (pepper, onion and red sauce)
Camarones a La Mexicana $10.00 (cebolla, jalapenos y tomate) Mexican shrimpes (onion, jalapenos and tomato
Camarones Al Ajillo $10.00 (pimiento, cebolla, jitomate, salsa de ajo) garlic shrimps (pepper, onion, jitomate, garlic sauce)
Pico De Gallo $5.50
Huacamole $6.50
Arroz Y Frijoles $3.50
Nachos Con Pollo Y Bistec $6.50
Nachos Reg $4.50
Papaya $2.50
Mango $2.50
Platano-Banana $2.50
Fresa-Strawberry $2.50
Naranja-Orange Juice $2.50
Mamey $2.50
Milanesa $4.00
Chorizo $4.00 (sausage)
Pollo $4.00 (chicken)
Bistec $4.00 (beef Steak
Carnitas $4.00
Carne Enchilada $4.00 (pork with chili)
Cecina $4.00 (salted beef)
Jamon Con Huevo $4.00 (jam with egg)
Jamon Con Questo $4.00 (jam with cheese)
Huevo Con Chorizo $4.00 (egg with sausage)
Boing $1.75 (mango, guayaba, fresa, naranja)
Snapple $1.25
Soda Mexicana $1.75
Jumex $1.50
Soda 1 Litro $1.50
Soda 2 Litros $3.00
Soda 20.oz $1.25
Can Sodas $1.00
Cafe Regular-Regular Coffee $0.70
Te Lipton-Tea $0.70
Te De Sabores-Flavor Tea $0.75
Chocolate-Chocolate $1.50 - $2.00

El Paisano Pizzeria & Mexican Restaurant relate restaurants