Cojutepeque Restaurant menu with price

item price description
Huevos, Frijoles Y Crema $5.99 eggs, beans and sour cream
Huevos, Papas Entomatadas $7.95 eggs, potatoes with tomato
Huevos Rancheros $7.95 sunny side up eggs with homemade tomato sauce
Huevos Con Platanos $7.95 eggs with fried plantain
Tort A De Loroco $7.95 loroco flower egg omelet
Huevos Con Papas $7.95 eggs with potatoes
Huevos Con Salchicha $8.95 eggs with turkey hotdog
Machaca Con Huevos $8.95 shredded meat with eggs
Chorizo Con Huevos $8.95 eggs with salvadorian sausage
Huevos Con Jamon $8.95 ham and eggs
Bistec Con Huevos $10.95 steak and eggs
Huevos Con Ejote $7.95 eggs with green beans
Pancakes Con Huevos, Tocino Y Papas Entomatadas $7.95 * 2 pancakes with eggs, bacon and potatoes
Pancakes Con Huevos, Tocino Y Papas Entomatadas $8.95 * con pancakes de sabor *with specialty pancakes
Pancakes De Sabor $5.25 manzana, guineo o chocolate specialty pancakes (apple, banana or chocolate)
Pancakes Sencillos $4.00 plain pancakes
Mariscada $14.95 salvadorian style seafood soup
Sopa De Chipilin Con Tunco $8.95 chipilin herb soup with pork rib
Sopa De Pollo $9.95 chicken soup (broth with noodles and veggies, grilled chix on side)
Sopa De Res Beef $10.95 rib soup (melts in your mouth!)
Sopa De Frijol Negro Con Tunco $8.95 black bean soup with pork rib
Sopa De Frijol Blanco Con Tunco $8.95 white bean soup with pork rib
Sopa De Pata $9.95 beef tripe and feet soup
Sopa De Pescado $9.95 catfish soup
Caldo 7 Mares $13.95 7 seas soup
Caldo De Camarones $10.95 shrimp soup
Tacos De Asada, Carnitas O Pollo $2.00 steak, pork or chicken tacos
Burritos De Asada, Carnitas, Pollo O Machaca $6.50 steak pork, chicken or shredded beef burritos
Burrito De Desayuno $4.50 breakfast burrito
Enchiladas De Queso $7.95 cheese enchiladas
Enchiladas De Pollo $8.95 chicken enchiladas
Cheeseburger And French Fries $5.25
French Fries $2.00
Pupusas Revuel Tas $2.15 corn tortillas filled with pork, cheese and beans
Revueltas Con Pollo $2.15 corn tortillas filled with chicken, cheese and beans
Revuel Tas Con Chorizos $2.15 corn tortillas filled with sausage, cheese and beans
Revueltas Con Ayote $2.15 corn tortillas filled with zucchini, cheese and beans
Pupusas De Chicharron $2.15 corn tortillas filled with pork
Pupusas De Queso $2.15 corn tortillas filled with cheese
Pupusas De Loroco $2.25 corn tortillas filled with cheese and loroco flower
Pupusas De Arroz $2.25 any pupusa made with rice flour
Pupusas De Arroz Con Queso Y Loroco O Ayote $2.35 rice flour tortilla filled with cheese and loroco flower or zucchini
Tamal De Puerco, Pollo O Elote $2.25 tamales made with pork, chicken or corn
Tamal De Elote Con Crema $3.75 corn tamale with sour cream
Tamal De Elote Con Crema Y Frijoles $5.25 corn tamale with sour cream and beans
Atol De Elote O Pine $3.99 sweet bot drink made with corn or pineapple
Atol De Elote O Pina $8.25 sweet hot drink made with corn or pineapple
Yuca Con Chicharron $8.25 boiled or fried cassava with fried pork
Yuca Con Fritada $2.25 boiled or fried cassava with pork stew
Platanos Fritos $3.75 fried plantains
Platanos Fritos Con Crema $5.25 fried plantains with sour cream
Platanos Fritos Con Crema Y Erijoles $3.95 fried plantains with sour cream and beans
Empanadas De Platano $2.50 plantain pie filled with sweet milk cream
Atole Chuco hot drink made with red corn
Chilate Con Nuegados, Platanos Y Camote $4.95 salty corn atol served with candied cassava, plantain and yam
Plato Bonanza $12.50 carne asada y 2 chorizos asados grilled steak and 2 salvadorian sausages
Plato San Vicente $12.50 2 brochetas de carne, tomate, cebolla y chile verde 3 steak kebobs with tomato, onion and bell pepper
Chuleta Encebollado $9.25 pork chops sauteed in onions
Costilla Entomatada $9.25 ribs sauteed in tomato
Lengua Entomatada $10.50 beef tongue sauteed in tomato
Bistec Encebollado $9.95 steak sauteed in onions
Bistec Empanizado $9.95 breaded steak
Carne Asada $9.95 grilled steak
Bistecpicado $9.95 chopped steak sauteed with onions, tomatoes and bell peppers
Bistec Ranchero $9.95 steak sauteed in tomato sauce
Salpicon $9.95 chopped meat with cilantro onion, radish and a squeeze of lemon
Carne Guisada $9.95 beef stew with potatoes and carrots
Pechuga De Pollo Asada $9.95 grilled chicken breast
Pechuga De Pollo Empanizada $9.95 breaded chicken breast
Pechuga De Pollo Rellena $10.95 chicken bread stuffed with cheese, tomato and bell pepper
Pollo Guisada $8.95 chicken stew with potatoes and carrots
Pollo En Salsa Roja $8.95 chicken sauteed in delicious tomato sauce
Pollo A La Creama $8.95 chicken sauteed in a yummy sour cream sauce
Pollo Encebollado $8.95 chicken sauteed with onions
Pollo A La Plancha $8.95 grilled chicken
Fritada $8.95 * pork stew
Carnitas Entomatadas $8.95 fried pork sauteed in tomato sauce
Relleno De Guisquil $8.95 cheese stuffed squash wrapped in egg batter
Relleno De Pacaya $8.95 cheese stuffed palm flower wrapped in egg batter
Relleno De Ejote $8.95 cheese stuffed green beans wrapped in egg batter
Chiles Rellenos $8.95 green bell peppers stuffed with pork meat and wrapped in egg batter.
Camarones Empanizados $10.95 bread shrimp
Camarones Al Mojo De Ajo $10.95 garlic sauteed shrimp
Camarones A La Diabla $10.95 spicy shrimp
Camarones Rancheros $10.95 shrimp sauteed in homemade tomato sauce
Mojarra Frita $10.50 fried tilapia
Filete De Pescado A La Plancha $9.50 grilled fillet of fish
Filete De Pescado Empanizado $9.50 bread fillet of fish
Brochetas De Camaron $11.95 2 shrimp kebob
Coctel De Camaron shrimp cocktail
Campechana mixed seafood cocktail
Super Mojarra $12.95 mojarra rellena de mariscos al mojo de ajo, arroz, papas fritas y ensalada fried tilapia stuffed with garlic sauteed seafood. rice, french fries and salad
El Cojutepeque $12.50 una brocheta de carne, una brocheta de camaron, arroz, frijoles platano y ensalada one steak kebob, one shrimp kebob, rice, beans, plantain and salad
Bonanza Super Especial $13.95 carne asada, 3 chorizos, 3 camarones, casamiento, crema, platanos, y yuca frita grilled steak, 3 salvadorian sausage, 3 shrimp, rice mixed with beans, sour cream, fried plantain and fried cassava
Chorizo $2.75 salvadorian sausage
Un Huevo One Egg $1.75
Frijol, Arroz O Crema $2.00 beans, rice or sour cream
Entomatada $1.50 homemade tomato sauce
Queso Salvadoreno $1.75 salvadorian cheese
Jamon Ham $3.00
Una Salchicha $2.00 one hotdog
Un Pan Frances $0.50 one french bread
Dos Tortillas $0.50 two handmade tortillas
Tres Pedazos De Plat Ano $2.00 three slices of fried plantain
Papas Entomatadas $2.50 potatoes with tomato
Tocinos $2.50 bacon
Horchata $2.00 tamarindo, ensalada y arrayan
Bebidas En Lata O Agua $1.25 en bote
Licuados $3.99 mango, fresa, durazno o papaya
Licuados De Cafe $3.99 caramelos, vainilla, chocolate
Kola Champan $1.50
Jugo De Naranja Natural $4.00
Jugo De Naranja Natural Con Huevo $4.75
Chocolate Con Leche O Agua $2.95 - $3.99
Leche Fria $2.50
Leche Fria $2.50
Cafe $1.65
Te $1.25
Cafe Frio $2.50

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