3 Way Restaurant Menu menu with price

item price description
Pina Colada $5.75
Jugo Natural de Naranja $4.60 Natural orange juice.
Morirsonando $4.00
Limonada $4.00 Lemonade.
Batida de Papaya $4.60 Papaya shake.
Batida de Mamey $4.60 Mamey shake.
Batida de Pina $4.60 Pineapple shake.
Jugo de Avena, Naranja and Leche $4.60 Oatmeal, orange and milk juice.
Jugo de Parcha $4.00 Passion fruit.
Fruit Punch $4.00 Fruit punch.
Cafe Negro $1.45
Cafe Grande $2.85 Large coffee.
Cafe Espresso $1.75 Coffee.
Te $1.75 Tea.
Chocolate $1.75
Tostadas $2.00
Avena $2.00 - $4.00
Tostadas y Cafe con Leche $3.75 Toast and coffee with milk.
Sandwich de Huevo, Tocineta y Queso $5.75 Bacon, egg and cheese sandwich.
Sandwich de Huevo y Queso $4.60 Egg and cheese sandwich.
Sandwich de Hueco y Jamon $4.60 Ham and cheese sandwich.
Dos Huevos con Jamon $6.30 2 eggs with ham.
Dos Huevos con Tocineta $6.30 2 eggs with bacon.
Longaniza Dominicana $7.45 Dominican sausage.
Salami $7.45 Salami.
Chicharrones $7.45 Fried pork chunks.
Higado $7.45 Liver.
Huevo Frito $6.30 Fried egg.
Queso Frito $7.45 Fried cheese.
Bacalao $7.45 Codfish.
Pollo Frito con Hueso $17.80 - $103.50 Fried chicken chunks.
Res Frita $17.80 - $103.50 Fried beef.
Cerdo Frito con Tostones $17.80 - $103.50 Fried pork chunks with fried green plantains.
Sopa de Pollo $4.55 - $9.15 Chicken soup.
Mondongo $5.25 - $10.30 Tripe soup.
Asopao de Mariscos $5.25 - $10.30 Seafood soupy rice.
Sancocho $5.25 - $10.30 Dominican soup.
Ensalada de Pollo $11.45 Grilled chicken salad.
Ensalada de Aguacate $5.20 Avocado salad.
Ensalada de Lechuga y Tomate $5.20 Lettuce and tomatoes.
Ensalada Mixta con Aguacate $6.30 Mixed salad with avocado.
Ensalada de Pulpo $7.95 - $16.10 Octopus salad.
Ensalada de Camarones a la Vinagreta $16.70 Shrimp salad a la vinaigrette.
Ensalada de Camarones a la Mayonesa $16.70 Shrimp salad a la mayonnaise.
Ensalada de Papa $4.00 - $5.75 Potato salad.
Ensalada de Bacalao $10.95 Cod fish salad.
Coctel de Camarones $16.70 Shrimp cocktail.
Camarones Fritos $19.00 Fried shrimp.
Camarones Enchilados $20.00 Spicy shrimp.
Camarones al Ajillo $20.00 Shrimp marinated in buttery garlic sauce.
Camarones Empanizados $20.00 Crispy breaded fried shrimp.
Camarones en Salsa $20.00 Shrimp in a creole tomato sauce.
Filete de Tilapia Frito $16.70 Fried tilapia filet.
Filete de Tilapia Relleno de Camarones $24.75 Tilapia filet stuffed with shrimp.
Filete de Mero Relleno de Mariscos $43.70 Grouper fish filet stuffed with mixed seafood.
Camarones a la Mariposa $21.25 Shrimps wrapped in bacon.
Tortilla de Camarones $19.00 Shrimp omelette with minced tomatoes, onions and peppers.
Tilapia en Escabeche $17.80 Tilapia in a white wine reduction with peppers, onions and capers.
Pescado en Salsa $17.80 Fish in a creole tomato sauce.
Camarofongo $20.00 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with shrimp in a creamy garlic sauce or creole tomato sauce.
Arroz con Camarones $20.00 Savory shrimp mixed with yellow rice.
Cola de Langosta en Salsa $34.50 Lobster tail in a creole tomato sauce.
Cola de Langosta al Horno $34.50 Baked lobster tail.
Cola de Langosta Rellena de Mariscos $55.20 Lobster tail stuffed with seafood.
Mariscada en Salsa $43.70 Mixed seafood in a creole tomato sauce or bechamel or white sauce, garlic, pepper and Parmesan or Romano cheese.
Pulpo Guisado $22.40 Octopus stew.
Rueda de Pescado en Salsa Blanca $16.70 Grouper fish steak in a bechamel or white sauce, garlic, pepper and Parmesan or Romano cheese.
Mar y Tierra $43.70 Surf and turf.
Salmon en Cualquier Estilo $22.40 Salmon any style.
Pargo Entero en Cualquier Estilo $21.25 Whole red snapper any style in garlic, wine, creole tomato sauce etc.
Bistec en Cualquier Estilo $19.00 Steak any style.
Churrasco $21.85 Grilled skirt steak.
Bistec Encebollado $17.80 Savory, thin-sliced, pan-fried steak with sauteed onions.
Pollo a la Milanesa $21.25 Breaded chicken breast with ham and cheese.
Chuletas Fritas $16.70 Fried pork chops.
Chuletas en Salsa $17.80 Pork chops sauteed with tomato sauce.
Chicharrones de Pollo con Huesos $14.35 Fried chicken chunks.
Chicharrones de Pollo sin Huesos $16.00 Boneless fried chicken chunks.
Pernil $13.80 Savory pulled roast pork.
Longaniza Frita $14.35 Fried Dominican sausage.
Masitas de Res Fritas $15.50 Fried beef bits.
Masitas de Cerdo Fritas $15.50 Fried pork bits.
Pechuga a la Parilla $16.05 Grilled chicken breast.
Chuleta a la Parilla $16.70 Grilled pork chops.
Filetillo de Pollo $16.05 Strips of chicken breast sauteed with onions and peppers.
Mofongo con Chicharron de Cerdo $12.05 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with fried pork chunks. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo con Pollo al Horno $12.05 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with savory rotisserie chicken. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo con Chicharron de Pollo $13.20 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with boneless chicken chunks. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo con Chicharron de Sin Hueso $13.20 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with regular chicken chunks. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo de Churrasco $21.85 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with succulent, grilled skirt steak. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo de Longaniza $12.05 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with Dominican sausage. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo de Queso $13.20 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with white Dominican cheese. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Mofongo de Queso y Chicharron de Cerdo $15.50 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with white Dominican cheese and fried pork chunks. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Camarofongo $19.00 Fried green plantains smashed and topped with shrimp in a creamy garlic sauce or creole tomato sauce. Served with choice of meat gravy on the side.
Sandwich Cubano $8.05 Classic Cuban sandwich. Pulled pork, ham and Swiss cheese.
Sandwich de Jamon y Queso $6.30 Ham and cheese sandwich.
Sandwich de Pollo $7.45 Choice of grilled or rotisserie chicken.
Sandwich de Bistec $8.05 Thin-sliced steak sandwich.
Sandwich de Pernil $8.05 Savory pulled roast pork sandwich.
1/2 Pollo Arroz and Habichuelas $11.45 1/2 chicken with rice and beans.
1 Pollo Arroz and Habichuelas $15.50 1 chicken with rice and beans.
Chicharron de Pollo sin Hueso con Arroz y Hab $16.05 Boneless chicken with rice and beans.
Chicharron de Pollo con Hueso con Arroz y Hab $14.35 Chicken chunk with rice and beans.
1 Pollo Arroz Grande y Habichuelas Mediana $20.00 1 chicken with large rice and medium beans.
1 Pollo Solo $10.95 1 chicken.
1/2 Pollo Solo $6.30 1 half chicken.
1/4 Pollo Solo $3.45 1/4 chicken.
Combo 1 $24.75 Whole chicken, medium beans, big rice, salad and 2 liter soda.
Combo 2 $28.70 Pork chop, 1 large rice, 1 medium beans, 1 small salad and 1 liter soda.
Combo 3 $28.70 Roast pork, 1 large rice, 1 medium beans, 1 small salad and 2 liter soda.
Combo 4 $28.70 Steak with onions, 1 large rice, 1 medium beans, 1 small salad and 2 liter soda.
Combo 5 $34.45 Whole chicken, steak, 1 large rice, 1 medium beans, 1 small salad and 2 liter soda.
Combo 6 $32.15 Boneless fried chicken, 1 large rice, 1 medium beans, 1 small salad and 3 canned soda.
Combo 7 $28.70 Beef stew.
Combo 8 $28.70 Chicken stew.
Combo 9 $32.15 Pepper steak.
Combo 10 $34.45 Oxtail.
Combo 11 $28.70 Fried beef.
Combo 11 $28.70 Fried pork.
Combo 11 $28.70 Pepper chicken.
Pollo Guisado $13.80 Chicken stew.
Pollo al Horno $11.45 Rotisserie chicken.
Chicharron de Pollo sin Hueso $16.05 Boneless fried chicken chunks.
Chicharron de Pollo con Hueso $13.75 Boneless fried chicken chunks.
Rabo $15.50 Oxtail.
Carne de Res Guisada $13.20 Beef stew.
Carne de Res Frita $14.40 Fried beef.
Pernil $13.80 Pulled roasted pork.
Carne Cerdo Frita $14.40 Fried pork.
Bacalao $14.95 Stew codfish.
Costillas a la BBQ $13.80 BBQ ribs.
Mastas de Cerdo al Horno $13.80 Roast chunks.
Higado a la Criolla $13.80 Liver a la Creole.
Filetillo de Pollo $13.95 Pepper Chicken.
Bistec Salteado $13.80 Pepper Steak.
Costillas a la BBQ $13.80 BBQ ribs.
Higado a la Criolla $13.80 Liver a la Creole.
Chaletas Guisadas $13.80 Pork Chop.
Albondigas Guisadas $8.60 Stew Meat Balls.
Filetillo de Pollo $16.05 Pepper Chicken.
Chivo Guisado $14.40 Goat Stew.
Costillas a la BBQ $13.80 BBQ ribs.
Higado a la Criolla $13.80 Liver a la Creole.
Bistec Salteado $13.80 Pepper Steak.
Espaguetti con Camarones $14.40 Espaghetti and shrimp in tomato sauce.
Arroz con Pollo $14.95 Chicken mixed with flavorful yellow rice.
Arroz con Camarones $19.00 Shrimp mixed with flavorful yellow rice.
Arroz con Calamares $14.95 Squid mixed with flavorful yellow rice.
Arroz con Pulpo $19.00 Octopus mixed with flavorful yellow rice.
Arroz con Langosta $33.95 Lobster meat mixed with flavorful yellow rice.
Paella Marinera $33.95 Special yellow rice with a medley of seafood.
Paella Valenciana $33.95 Special yellow rice with a variety of meats chicken, beef, pork and seafood.
Asopoa de Pollo $14.35 Savory soupy rice with chicken.
Asopao de Camarones $19.00 Savory soupy rice with shrimp.
Asopao de Mariscos Mixtos $33.95 Savory soupy rice with a medley of seafood.
Asopao de Langosta $33.95 Savory soupy rice with lobster.
Sopa de Camarones $19.00 Shrimp soup.
Sopa de Pescado $16.70 Fish soup.
Arroz $2.85 - $6.90 Rice.
Tostones $4.00 - $9.20 Fried green plantain.
Maduros $4.00 - $9.20 Fried sweet plantain.
Guineitos $4.00 - $9.20 Boiled green bananas.
Ensalada Papas $4.00 - $9.20 Potato salad.
Yuca $4.00 - $9.20 Cassava.
Speghetti $4.00 - $9.20
Habichuelas $1.75 - $6.90 Beans.
Vegetales Hervidos $2.85 - $6.90 Steamed vegetables.
Papas Fritas $4.60 - $7.95 French fries.
Pan con Ajo $2.30 Medium. Garlic bread.
Pastelitos $2.30 Medium. Chicken stuffed patty.
Pollo Guisado Lunch $8.00 Chicken stew.
Pollo al Horno Lunch $8.00 Rotisserie chicken.
Chicharron de Pollo sin Hueso Lunch $9.15 Boneless fried chicken chunks.
Chicharron de Pollo con Hueso Lunch $8.00 Boneless fried chicken chunks.
Rabo Lunch $9.75 Oxtail.
Carne de Res Guisada Lunch $8.00 Beef stew.
Carne de Res Frita Lunch $9.15 Fried beef.
Pernil Lunch $8.00 Pulled roasted pork.
Carne Cerdo Frita Lunch $9.15 Fried pork.
Bacalao Lunch $9.15 Stew codfish.
Costillas a la BBQ Lunch $8.00 BBQ ribs.
Masitas de Cerdo al Horno Lunch $8.00 Roast chunks.
Higado a la Criolla Lunch $8.00 Liver a la creole.
Filetillo de Pollo Lunch $9.15 Pepper chicken.
Bistec Salteado Lunch $8.00 Pepper steak.
Costillas a la BBQ Lunch $8.00 BBQ ribs.
Higado a la Criolla Lunch $8.00 Liver a la Creole.
Chuletas Guisadas Lunch $8.00 Pork chop.
Albondigas Guisadas Lunch $8.60 Stew meat balls.
Filetillo de Pollo Lunch $9.15 Pepper Chicken.
Chivo Guisado Lunch $9.15 Goat Stew.
Costillas a la Criolla Lunch $8.00 BBQ ribs.
Higado a la Criolla Lunch $8.00 Liver a la Creole.
Bistec Salteado Lunch $8.00 Pepper Steak.
Espaguetti con Camarones Lunch $9.15 Espaghetti and shrimp in tomato sauce.
Flan $4.00 Traditional vanilla custard.
3 Leches $5.20 Traditional spongy cake soaked in sweet milk.
Cheesecake $5.20 Cheesecake.

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